Finding the right teacher for your centre, for your children, should not cost any placement fee.
The hiring in ECE industry has been stuck in the past for too long. Dozens of CVs, hours-long interviews, and significant cost - the list goes on. But the time has come to revolutionize these archaic hiring practices. We present to you U R Free in ECE, crafted to challenge the standard and usher in a fresh era of productivity, a natural law for recruitment.
Before offering a permanent role, there is no better way than observing the teaching practices of teachers through their relieving job. You cannot know whether a teacher is perfect for us just by reading their CV and an interview, you should be able to take your time and try different teachers, and collect feedback from your team to make the best choice.
The centre needs a teacher who can work well with their centre, their children, and whose philosophy fits their centre. Teachers have the opportunity to gain a permanent role, after they have been to different centres with various and diverse ECE teaching styles and philosophies.
Utopia can streamline the hiring process for you, delivering an ideal candidate from our talent pool.
What has U R Free achieved in the last 6 months?
97 permanent positions were offered to the teachers by the centres.
36 of the offers were applied for by the teachers.
15 of these offers led to employment agreements
A sum of no less than $100,000 has been saved for these centres’ recruitment budget.
15 teachers have successfully secured a permanent position.
If you're seeking the perfect permanent teacher from Utopia's pool of talent, what guidance could we offer?
Step one, it's necessary to post your jobs in the public pool, encouraging as many different teachers as possible to apply for your jobs. This method can assist you in identifying suitable teachers through relieving job observation and then adding them to your favourite teacher pool.
Step two, post multiple-day bookings in your favourite teacher pool to allow cyclical observation of your favourite teachers, including collecting feedback from your team and parents. Please note that the favourite teacher pool does not support single-day booking.
Final step, when you are sure this favourite teacher is the right choice for you, please offer her in U R Free. Believing that after this period of work, your work environment and philosophy will boost her confidence in applying for your offer.
Moreover, our Search Feature, which rolled out in early October, enables you to locate known teachers and include them in your favourite teacher pool. This offers your centre unlimited access to our pool of 1K+ teachers, given you possess their full name or registration number. You can search and add them directly to your Favourite Teacher Pool. With the teachers you are familiar with, you will be more confident to make offers from there.
U R Free calls for an organic approach to recruitment in ECE, replacing the antiquated system with one that fosters diversity, continuous improvement, and openness. In a world that's constantly progressing, perhaps it's time our hiring practices adapted. The transformation starts with us, and there's no better time than now to embrace U R Free philosophy.