As a relief teacher, there are certain limitations in your interaction and teaching with children. You’re only there for a day or a few days, and in that time, you may not get the chance to share the knowledge and skills you possess. Therefore, we offer teachers the opportunity to come up with a fun activity or way to showcase any knowledge they have on a specific topic in education.
This gives teachers a chance to share with us and the centres what they know through their experience in ECE. We understand that every teacher is different and have different skills and knowledge so we would love for you to share it with us. You can present your ideas or knowledge in any fun and creative way – we’d love for you to be as creative as you’d like. Furthermore, teachers receive the opportunity to contribute more and develop their passion in ECE.
U Mat Time is also not only for our relief teachers but is extended to all teachers who have any ideas or knowledge they would like to share with us and centres. If you are passionate about ECE and the development of young pupils, this is the perfect moment for you to showcase it!
To show our appreciation we will include a $50 incentive once you’ve submitted your U Mat Time ideas. This incentive ONLY applies when your U Mat Time idea is published onto our website for centres to utilise.
“A good education can change anyone; a good teacher can change everything”. Even as a reliever you can make an impact on young minds, U Mat Time gives you the perfect opportunity to do just that.
On our website we will have a U Mat Time collection section under Digital Resources. In this section teachers can contribute their ideas or resources, simply click the tab and from there upload your U Mat Time ideas.
